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Personnel selection Zero gap in personnel selection

by Andre published 8 months ago

The shortage of skilled workers has become a pressing problem in many industries and regions. Companies are faced with the challenge of filling vacancies with qualified employees, while the choice of candidates is increasingly limited. One would expect companies to adapt their recruitment practices to the current reality on the labor market. Zero gap describes a phenomenon in which applications are consistently rejected by companies that do not have the ideal qualifications and professional experience.

Employers are picky

If an applicant meets the desired criteria for professional experience, industry experience, professional specialization, education, diplomas and often, if not explicitly mentioned, age, a rejection consistently follows with zero gap. In many cases, just a few hours after submitting the application.

Possible explanations

Companies are increasingly using digital recruitment systems. Digital recruitment tools often reduce the profiles of applicants to measurable criteria that can be matched without much effort. This is due to the demand for profiles that completely fulfill the formal requirements and thus promise a risk-free and quick induction. With the focus on hard skills, the recruitment process is very efficient. Whereas in the past, many potential employees could apply to the company by telephone, today it is only possible to apply via an application platform.

Neglecting soft skills

Digital recruitment systems are undoubtedly very good tools for making recruitment much more efficient. However, neglecting soft skills means that potential employees and talented individuals with potential for development are overlooked and not recognized. As a result, companies are wasting workforce potential and exacerbating the shortage of skilled workers themselves.

A holistic assessment

In the era of digital recruitment systems, it is crucial not only to pay attention to quantifiable hard skills, but also to consider the crucial soft skills. Workforce diagnostics offers a way to provide a more holistic assessment of candidate applicants and ensure that organizations are selecting the best possible talent who not only have the required qualifications, but also the soft skills that are essential for success in today's workplace.