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Personnel selection Gut feeling for personnel selection?

by Andre published 8 months ago

"We can rely on our gut feeling when it comes to chocolate, but not when it comes to selecting personnel." For years, research has emphasized that intuition has no place in the recruitment of new employees. Many people also refer to intuition as gut feeling. Despite the scientific findings, gut feeling still plays a very important role in the selection of candidates.

Helpful for making immediate decisions 

Intuition or gut feeling are deeply rooted, instinctive perceptions and reactions that consciously or unconsciously stem from personal experience. Gut feelings and intuition are very helpful in making immediate decisions. When selecting personnel, however, there is a risk of misjudging instinctive perceptions and thus making incorrect decisions. This is because such perceptions are subjective and susceptible to prejudice.

Application documents: Uncertainty due to superficiality

It becomes critical, for example, when reviewing the application documents. This is usually the first step in the selection process. However, this method harbors considerable uncertainties. According to surveys, over 80% of the companies surveyed base their assessment of application documents on criteria such as typos, the clarity of the CV or gaps in the CV. However, these criteria ultimately say nothing at all about future career success and only lead to potentially suitable candidates being weeded out.

Interviews: high effort, dubious quality

In addition to the review of application documents, the personal interview is one of the most common forms of selection in personnel selection and is often the sole selection tool in practice. Interviews allow companies to get to know candidates personally and assess their soft skills. For companies, the time required for this procedure is comparatively high, as the interview has to be prepared, conducted and evaluated by responsible persons in the company. There are several concerns regarding the quality of the prediction of the interviewee's future career success: subjectivity and unconscious bias, low standardization possibilities to compare different applicants, time limit to get to know a person better, stress for the applicant.

Personnel diagnostics as a solution

The integration of personnel diagnostics into the recruitment process of companies is the solution for overcoming these weaknesses. By using professional personnel diagnostics, companies can significantly simplify personnel selection and reliably find the most suitable and developable talents.