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Soft skills analysis Diversity matters more than ever before

by Andre published 2 months ago

Diversity in companies is not only ethically and socially beneficial. It also leads to significantly better financial performance. The McKinsey study "Diversity Matters Even More" shows that companies with diverse teams are 39% more likely to exceed their financial targets. In an increasingly complex and competitive business world, diverse perspectives and experiences are key to innovation and sustainable growth.

Implementation of the concept of diversity falters

Studies also show that companies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the concept of diversity and inclusion, but still face high barriers to implementation. A common problem is the lack of support from management. The lack of will to implement often has to do with a lack of data. But probably the biggest hurdles are the necessary financial and human resources.

Recruiting as the key

Recruiting plays a central role in the implementation of the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) concept in companies. Through targeted and inclusive recruiting, companies ensure that diversity is anchored in the workforce from the outset. This means that diverse perspectives, backgrounds and experiences are brought into the organization, which forms the basis for an inclusive corporate culture. An analysis by Catapult shows that companies that clearly communicate and implement their DEI goals improve their brand reputation and are seen as employers of choice.

Adapting recruitment processes  

Conventional recruitment processes tend to hinder diversity. Here are some examples of applicants who are highly unlikely to be considered for an interview and therefore a job:

  • - too young or too old
  • - no or too short professional experience
  • - lack of industry experience
  • - unconventional, non-straightforward career
  • - gaps in the CV
  • - due to ethnic and cultural background
  • - suboptimal portrait picture or spelling mistakes in the CV
  • - dubious motivation letter etc 

Smarter Recruiting

Smarter Recruiting combines the strengths of two different worlds: Suitability diagnostics and artificial intelligence (AI). The result of this combination is a significant increase in recruiting efficiency. But that's not all. Smarter Recruiting first determines the soft skills of everyone who applies to the company. This digitized process ensures maximum objectivity and reliability. A comprehensive profile comparison is possible not just of a few people, but of all the people who apply to the company. Smarter Recruitment is therefore an efficient solution to the challenges of implementing the DEI concept. It not only helps companies achieve a more diverse and inclusive workforce, but also better business results and a stronger employer brand.

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