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Soft skills analysis Change

by Andre published 8 months ago

In recent years, recruitment practices have undoubtedly changed in many companies. These changes are often rather superficial. Traditionally, the application dossier and the interview are still at the center of the selection process at most companies. 

In the first step, candidates are selected on the basis of hard skills and their ability to present themselves well. This tempts those responsible to invite people to interview who are only suitable at first glance, but who do not really fit in with the company on closer inspection. In addition, companies themselves limit the field of potential talents who are capable of professional development. At a time when many are complaining about a shortage of skilled workers, this practice should be reconsidered. The question arises: Are there solutions to avoid such mistakes?

Yes, there is a better solution

The solution is the use of professional soft skills diagnostics. When deciding whether to invite a candidate to an interview, not only the shiny surface of a candidate is available, but also the previously hidden depths of soft skills.

A look beneath the surface

Application dossiers and interviews can provide valuable information, but unfortunately they often only offer a superficial view of candidates. Soft skills diagnostics make it possible to go deeper and identify a person's hidden skills and mindset.

Increasing efficiency in the selection process

By using soft skills diagnostics, companies can significantly increase the efficiency of their selection process. They can identify candidates who are best suited to the corporate culture and the requirements of the position before investing time and resources in interviews.

Reducing the number of bad hires

One of the biggest challenges in the recruitment process is avoiding bad hires. Soft skills diagnostics help to reduce the likelihood of wrong decisions as they provide a more comprehensive insight into the skills of candidates.

Candidate-oriented recruiting

The use of soft skills diagnostics signals to candidates that the company values their personal skills and their fit with the corporate culture. This helps to attract highly qualified applicants who identify with the company's values and goals.

How soft skills diagnostics work

Soft skills diagnostics are based on scientific methods and tools that have been developed to validly identify the mindset and the ability to act under normal and stressful work situations. These include, for example, team orientation, self-organization, commitment, creativity, etc. These characteristics are evaluated in the form of standardized questionnaires and presented graphically.

The results of the soft skills diagnostics enable companies to obtain a comprehensive picture of candidates and make well-founded, unbiased decisions in the selection process.


Recruiting new employees is too important to rely solely on superficial characteristics such as a perfect application dossier. With the help of coaching or the use of artificial intelligence, even the most unmotivated candidate can now put together a good application dossier. In addition, only 15% of professional success is based on the qualifications and experience shown in the application documents, but 85% on the appropriate and well-developed soft skills. The integration of soft skills diagnostics enables modern companies to obtain a comprehensive picture of candidates and thus make well-founded, unbiased personnel decisions.