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Der 360-Talents Blog

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360-degree feed back 360 feedback

by Andre published 8 months ago

Everyone is a team player

If you believe the application documents, every candidate is a team player, flexible, able to work under pressure and every manager is a cooperative leader. The evidence for this can often be found in the self-formulated application documents. In preparation for the interview, impressive examples from your own reality or imagination are ready to hand. Unfortunately, even job references are hardly more meaningful than the self-praise of candidates.

360-degree feedback method

In order to be able to make substantially more reliable statements about the actions of people in normal and stressful work situations, companies need to take a different approach to personnel selection. This is precisely where the 360-degree feedback method comes in. This method has been used in many companies for decades to obtain feedback from their own professional environment.

Moreperspectives lead to a complete picture

One of the main arguments in favor of using 360-degree feedback in the context of personnel recruitment is the diversity of perspectives. While a candidate can hardly assess their own behavior objectively, and a manager is often biased when looking at performance, colleagues, customers and subordinates can often describe more practically how someone works in a team and acts in daily interactions.

Promoting self-awareness and personal development

Awareness of one's own impact and actions is invaluable for personal development. 360-degree feedback makes it possible to compare self-perception with the perception of others. The result is a better understanding of one's own actions and their impact on the working environment. In addition, "blind spots" can be uncovered. By incorporating feedback from various sources, unconscious areas of action can be identified, which may not otherwise be possible.

Would you like to use the 360-degree feedback method in recruitment?

Then use the services of 360-Talents. By using 360-Talents, candidates of your choice are given the opportunity to assess their own soft skills and validate them with up to 4 external assessments. The advantage is obvious: the assessments from different perspectives give you a comprehensive picture of a candidate's fit.